ویدیو: ساعت کدنویسی ماینکرافت - تبریک

Preston: Congratulations!

Lizzy: Congratulations!

Stampy: Congratulations, you did it!

Stacy: Congratulations guys, you totally rocked that! And now that you've completed the Hour of Code, you can start coding in Minecraft. You've learned about loops, functions, and what a software Agent does.

Now, it's time for the free play level, where you are the developer. Use any remaining time to write your own functions to explore, mine, and build.

You can take the code that you write in this level into your Minecraft world on Minecraft: Education Edition. Just click 'Finish' and follow the instructions for getting the link to use in your world. to continue coding with the Agent. Have fun, and good job!

Stacy: And I'm back! Okay, you guys, this is the Agent! Let me show you what it can do. Look, it's doing it! I told it to build a staircase out of these terra cotta blocks, now we can just use this to get out of here. And you guys, it's not just staircases. I can tell the Agent to do anything I want, and it will do it for me.

Stampy: How did you do that? Stacy: It was easy, actually. I just used code!