Computer Science Principles '24-'25

CSP introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. The AP Program designed AP Computer Science Principles with the goal of creating leaders in computer science fields and attracting and engaging those who are traditionally underrepresented with essential computing tools and multidisciplinary opportunities.

Unit 1 - Digital Information ('24-'25)

This unit explores the technical challenges and questions that arise from the need to represent digital information in computers. Learn how complex information like numbers, text, images, and sound are represented in bits, how compression works, and the broader social impacts of digitizing the world's information.

(Click the arrows below to expand)

Establishing a Strong Classroom Culture

This unit is designed to be hands-on, collaborative, and exploratory. A major focus of the unit is building a positive classroom culture in which students work together, explore problems, and communicate about their thinking. Most lessons either feature physical manipulatives or a digital widget, and the bulk of lesson time should be spent with students exploring these tools together to develop an understanding of the concepts they highlight. The course intentionally does not start with programming since, in many classrooms, some students have experience with programming and others do not. Choosing to begin with digital information and the internet lets you build community in the room while exploring a topic that is likely to be accessible to all students. The supportive and inclusive classroom environment built in this unit should help set a positive tone that can be carried through the school year.

Empowering "Deciders"

An important goal of the course is not merely to teach students technical knowledge, but to put those skills to work in meaningful ways. This unit builds towards the unit project, which provides an opportunity for students to be "deciders" about the impacts of computing on modern life. Other units will emphasize empowering units as "creators."


The unit project asks students to consider and debate issues that arise in modern society due to the digitizing of information. Students will analyze an article that addresses the intersection of digitizing information and current events. They will evaluate what data is being digitized and evaluate the benefits and harms caused by making this information digital. Students will also complete an end-of-unit assessment aligned with CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.


This unit and its associated project help build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs, please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • DAT-1: The way a computer represents data internally is different from the way the data is interpreted and displayed for the user. Programs are used to translate data into a representation more easily understood by people.
  • IOC-1: while computing innovations are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, they may have unintended consequences

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 2.1 Binary Numbers
  • 2.2 Data Compression
  • 5.5 Legal and Ethical Concerns.

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Unit 2 - The Internet ('24-'25)

This unit reveals how the Internet was designed to connect billions of devices and people to one another. Learn how the different protocols of the Internet work and actually build them yourself using the Internet Simulator. Then consider the impacts the Internet has had, both good and bad, on modern life.

Inventing the Internet with the Internet Simulator

This unit features many different versions of the Internet Simulator, a digital widget that simulates how different features or "layers" of the Internet work. As students move from lesson to lesson, the version of the Internet Simulator they use will have slightly more functionality than the last. Lessons will present students with challenges that closely mimic those that the internet's original inventors needed to solve. Students will collaboratively design and test solutions to those problems to develop an intuitive understanding of how the internet works and why it was designed that way. By the end of the unit, students will have "invented the internet" themselves!

Continuing to Establish a Strong Classroom Culture

Much like the Digital Information unit that comes before it, this unit emphasizes collaborative problem solving and developing a supportive and inclusive classroom culture.

  The unit project asks students to design a policy position for an imaginary political candidate related to an "Internet Dilemma." Students must analyze news stories about their topic to identify impacted groups, explain those groups' interests, explain technical background about the dilemma, and then recommend a policy solution that the candidate should advocate for. Students will also complete an end-of-unit assessment aligned with CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.


This unit and its associated project help build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs, please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • CSN-1: that computer systems and networks facilitate how data are transferred
  • IOC-1: and that while computing innovations are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, they may have unintended consequences

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 4.1 The Internet
  • 4.2 Fault Tolerance
  • 5.2 Digital Divide

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Unit 3 - Intro to App Design ('24-'25)

This unit is an introduction to programming and app design with a heavy focus on important skills like debugging, pair programming, and user testing. Learn how to design user interfaces and write event-driven programs in App Lab and then design a project that teaches your classmates about a topic of your choosing.

New Topics, Same Classroom Culture

This unit is students' first experience with programming. It is designed to maintain the collaborative and inclusive classroom environment developed in the previous two units. The collaborative project, fun, unplugged activities, and the focus on experimenting should help keep your whole class working together and trying out ideas.

Emphasizing Skills

Since this is the first of many programming units, it emphasizes attitudes and skills that will serve your students well for the remainder of the year. The project that runs through this unit emphasizes that programming is a creative and collaborative endeavor that students can use to help others. Key practices like pair programming and debugging help normalize working with a partner, asking for help, and making mistakes. While students have a lot to learn about programming and App Lab, there is just as much emphasis on establishing these positive habits and mindsets.

Empowering "Creators"

This unit empowers students to be creators with a major emphasis on making personally meaningful apps. Students have a lot to learn about programming. Still, the goal is for students to come away from this unit, seeing programming as a powerful form of personal expression that allows them to draw on their innate talents and interests to help solve problems in their community.


The unit project asks students to collaborate with a classmate to design an app that can teach others about a topic of shared interest. Students practice interviewing classmates to identify the project's goals, mockup designs, collaboratively program the app and run simple user tests. The app itself must include at least three screens and demonstrate what students have learned about user interface design and event-driven programming. Students submit their app, project guide, and written responses to reflection questions about how the app is designed and the development process used to make it. Students will also complete an end-of-unit assessment aligned with CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.


This unit and unit project helps build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs, please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • CRD-1: incorporating multiple perspectives through collaboration improves computing innovations as they are developed.
  • CRD-2: developers create and innovate using an iterative design process that is user-focused, that incorporates implementation/feedback cycles, and that leaves ample room for experimentation and risk-taking.
  • AAP-2: The way statements are sequenced and combined in a program determines the computed result. Programs incorporate iteration and selection constructs to represent repetition and make decisions to handle varied input values.
  • AAP-3: Programmers break down problems into smaller and more manageable pieces. By creating procedures and leveraging parameters, programmers generalize processes that can be reused. Procedures allow programmers to draw upon existing code that has already been tested, allowing them to write programs more quickly and with more confidence.

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 1.1 Collaboration
  • 1.2 Program Function and Purpose
  • 1.3 Program Design and Development

The College Board has supplied formative Create PT questions to help prepare students to complete the Create Task. We recommend that students complete the following prompts with the unit project. More information can be found in CS Principles Topic Coverage.

  • 3.a.i.
  • 3.a.ii.
  • 3.a.iii

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Unit 4 - Variables, Conditionals, and Functions ('24-'25)

This unit explores how variables, conditionals, and functions allow for the design of increasingly complex apps. Learn how to program with these three new concepts through a sequence of collaborative activities. Then build your own decision maker app to share with friends and help them make a decision.

Intro to EIPM

This unit is students' first experience with the Explore, Investigate, Practice, Make lesson sequence, or EIPM. This structured approach to teaching programming is covered in detail in the curriculum guide. We highly recommend watching the accompanying video series to better understand what EIPM should look like in the classroom. When used effectively, it supports deep learning of content and helps maintain a collaborative classroom culture, even as you move into more complex programming concepts.

Scaffolding Towards Independent Projects

A major goal of this course is to empower students to design and build projects independently. The Create PT in Unit 8 offers students enormous freedom to scope and build projects, and even this unit begins scaffolding towards that goal. Individual EIPM sequences of lessons gradually prepare students for scoped, independent Make projects. The unit project has a few requirements, but students are largely free to choose the design, topic, and implementation of their ideas. As you teach the unit, look for the opportunities to scaffold the skills and knowledge students will need to creatively and independently tackle the unit project.


The unit project asks students to design an app that makes a recommendation based on information from user input. Students are given a great deal of freedom to choose their topic, design their user interface, and decide how to actually program their app's behavior. Students submit their app, project guide, and written responses to reflection questions about how the app is designed and the development process they used to make it. Students will also complete an end-of-unit assessment aligned with CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.


This unit and unit project helps build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs, please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • CRD-2: Developers create and innovate using an iterative design process that is user-focused, that incorporates implementation/feedback cycles, and that leaves ample room for experimentation and risk-taking.
  • AAP-1: To find specific solutions to generalizable problems, programmers represent and organize data in multiple ways.
  • AAP-2: The way statements are sequenced and combined in a program determines the computed result. Programs incorporate iteration and selection constructs to represent repetition and make decisions to handle varied input values.
  • AAP-3: Programmers break down problems into smaller and more manageable pieces. By creating procedures and leveraging parameters, programmers generalize processes that can be reused. Procedures allow programmers to draw upon existing code that has already been tested, allowing them to write programs more quickly and with more confidence.

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 1.4 Identifying and Correcting Errors
  • 3.1 Variables and Assignment
  • 3.3 Mathematical Expressions
  • 3.5 Boolean Expressions
  • 3.6 Conditionals
  • 3.7 Nested Conditionals
  • 3.15 Random Values

The College Board has supplied formative Create PT questions to help prepare students to complete the Create Task. We recommend that students complete the following prompts with the unit project. More information can be found in CS Principles Topic Coverage.

  • 3.a.i.
  • 3.a.ii.
  • 3.a.iii

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Unit 5 - Data ('24-'25)

In this unit learn how data analysis helps turn raw data into useful information about the world. Learn how to use data visualization to find patterns inside of data sets and learn how this data analysis process is being used in contexts like open data or machine learning to help make decisions or learn more about our world. In the unit project, you'll analyze a dataset of your choosing and present your findings.

The Data Analysis Process

This unit is built around a data analysis process that helps students break down how data is turned into new information about the world. Some lessons are designed around different steps of this process, like cleaning data or building visualizations. Other lessons focus on ways this process is applied in real-world contexts like citizen science or machine learning. The data analysis process helps provide a consistent reference point as students explore the importance of data analysis in computing.

Exploring Data with the Data Visualizer

The Data Visualizer is a tool built into App Lab that allows students to quickly create visualizations of the data they've added to their projects. The set of possible visualizations is intentionally limited to a few ways to change or modify the chart. This tool aims to encourage exploring the different kinds of questions that can be answered with data visualizations, with a greater emphasis on students' ability to create a variety of visualizations quickly. This exploration should also help students build more meaningful and powerful apps in future units when they start using these datasets in their programs.


Students use the data visualizer to find and present a data story. Using what they've learned about the data analysis process, students either choose a dataset inside the data library or upload one of their own and create visualizations that find interesting patterns that may reveal new insights and knowledge. Students complete an activity guide describing their findings and the process they used in identifying them. Students will also complete an end-of-unit assessment aligned with CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.


This unit and unit project helps build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • DAT-2: Programs can be used to process data, which allows users to discover information and create new knowledge.
  • IOC-1: While computing innovations are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, they may have unintended consequences.

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 2.3 Extracting Information from Data
  • 2.4 Using Programs with Data
  • 5.3 Computing Bias
  • 5.4 Crowdsourcing

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Unit 6 - Lists, Loops, and Traversals ('24-'25)

This unit introduces lists, loops, and traversals, and explores the way they can be used to build apps that store and process large amounts of information. Learn to program with the data library in App Lab and complete a 5-day hackathon project at the end of the unit where you can design a program about any topic of your choosing.

Independent Creation and The Hackathon Project

Much like the project in Unit 4, the "Hackathon" project in this unit is designed as an opportunity for students to creatively and independently build something with their programming skills. While students are asked to include some technical requirements in their program to ensure they demonstrate mastery of new programming concepts, they have free rein to choose the goals, design, and implementation of their project. To avoid asking students to complete a major programming project right before the Create PT, this hackathon is the most "Create-PT-like" project of the course. It is the best chance for students to practice skills like budgeting time or scoping an open-ended project. In many classrooms, if you maintain the recommended pacing of the course, this project serves as an excellent end to the first semester.

Growing Comfort with EIPM

By this unit, students (and teachers!) should be developing greater comfort with the flow of EIPM lessons. Students may begin to anticipate that sequences build towards an independent Make lesson or look forward to stepping away from computers to Explore. A nice feature of EIPM is that you will find strategies and modifications to each lesson type that work best for your students. Keep an eye out for how you and your students are developing comfort with EIPM and note strategies that help meet your classroom's needs.

Programming with Real-world Data

The Data Library is a feature in App Lab designed to let students program with data from the real world. This tool aims to motivate students to build new kinds of data-powered apps that they find personally interesting. This tool also facilitates programming with lists of information since students will need to manipulate lists of data to incorporate the different data sources. Encourage students to use datasets they find personally relevant as they draw on their creative ideas for bringing data to life.

The unit project asks students to spend five days as part of a "Hackathon" project that they have nearly complete independence to scope and design. Students must choose one dataset from the Data Library in AppLab to be a component of their project to demonstrate what they have learned about lists and list processing; otherwise, scoping the project is completely up to them. Students submit their app, project guide, and written responses to reflection questions about how the app is designed and the development process they used to make it. Students will also complete an end-of-unit assessment aligned with CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.


This unit and unit project helps build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs, please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • CRD-2: Developers create and innovate using an iterative design process that is user-focused, incorporating implementation/feedback cycles, which leaves ample room for experimentation and risk-taking.
  • AAP-1: To find specific solutions to generalizable problems, programmers represent and organize data in multiple ways.
  • AAP-2: The way statements are sequenced and combined in a program determines the computed result. Programs incorporate iteration and selection constructs to represent repetition and make decisions to handle varied input values.
  • AAP-3: Programmers break down problems into smaller and more manageable pieces. By creating procedures and leveraging parameters, programmers generalize processes that they can reuse. Procedures allow programmers to draw upon existing code that has already been tested, allowing them to write programs more quickly and more confidently.

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 3.2 Data Abstraction
  • 3.4 Strings
  • 3.8 Iteration
  • 3.10 Lists
  • 3.16 Simulations

The College Board has supplied formative Create PT questions to help prepare students to complete the Create Task. We recommend that students complete the following prompts with the unit project. More information can be found in CS Principles Topic Coverage.

  • 3.b.i
  • 3.b.ii
  • 3.b.iii
  • 3.b.iv
  • 3.b.v

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Unit 7 - Parameters, Return, and Libraries ('24-'25)

This unit introduces parameters, return, and libraries. Learn how to use these concepts to build new kinds of apps as well as libraries of code that you can share with your classmates. End the unit by designing a library of functions around any topic of your choosing.

Learning by Building Libraries

In the second EIPM sequence of this unit, students learn to use the Student-Create Libraries tool in App Lab. This tool allows them to build and share libraries of functions that they can use in many different projects. This tool serves many purposes besides simply teaching students about libraries. By having to write functions that other students find useful, they will need to think about common patterns or situations that they have seen in projects across the course. Students will also practice commenting their code so others can understand how it works, practice designing functions that use parameters and return.

Final Preparation for the Create PT

Students learn very few new concepts in this unit; nevertheless, it can be challenging because students need to learn how to integrate the ideas of parameters and return with every other concept they have learned in this course. This unit presents a good opportunity to do a final review of every programming construct covered in the course as students prepare to demonstrate what they've learned on the Create PT.


The unit project asks students to design a library of functions that they can share with classmates. Their library must contain at least two functions, and at least one of those functions must include a parameter, return, a loop, and an if-statement. This requirement ensures students practice skills they will use in the Create PT. Using a project guide, students choose a theme for their library, build it, test it, and exchange feedback with other students. Students submit their library code, project guide, and written responses to reflection questions about how the app is designed and the development process they used to make it. They will also complete an end-of-unit assessment aligned with CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.


This unit and unit project helps build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs, please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • CRD-2: Developers create and innovate using an iterative design process that is user-focused, that incorporates implementation/feedback cycles, and that leaves ample room for experimentation and risk-taking.
  • AAP-2: The way statements are sequenced and combined in a program determines the computed result. Programs incorporate iteration and selection constructs to represent repetition and make decisions to handle varied input values.
  • AAP-3: Programmers break down problems into smaller and more manageable pieces. By creating procedures and leveraging parameters, programmers generalize processes that can be reused. Procedures allow programmers to draw upon existing code that has already been tested, allowing them to write programs more quickly and with more confidence.

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 3.12 Calling Procedures
  • 3.13 Developing Procedures
  • 3.14 Libraries

The College Board has supplied formative Create PT questions to help prepare students to complete the Create Task. We recommend that students complete the following prompts with the unit project. More information can be found in CS Principles Topic Coverage.

  • 3.c.i
  • 3.c.ii
  • 3.c.iii
  • 3.c.iv
  • 3.d.i
  • 3.d.ii
  • 3.d.iii

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Unit 8 - Cybersecurity and Global Impacts ('24-'25)

In this unit learn how computing innovations have impacted our world in beneficial and harmful ways. Learn how data can pose a threat to our privacy and security and the ways that encryption and other techniques are used to protect it. Throughout the unit participate in a "school of the future" conference in which you and a team make a proposal for how best to improve school life with computing innovations.

Learning Through Full-class Simulation

The simulation project that runs through this unit serves several important goals. It helps contextualize what students are learning by moving from abstract ideas of privacy or security to concrete potential innovations. Since the simulation is based on modernizing schools, students can consider the consequences of computing innovations in a familiar setting. By taking on an assigned role and interacting with a group of teammates who have done the same, students must consider a breadth of interests and goals beyond their own when it comes to innovating in schools.

Ending the Year as "Deciders"

A major theme students engage with throughout this unit is the need to consider both sides of technological innovation. Computing technology has led to both benefits and harms to culture, economy, and society at large. Responding to important questions facing our world requires understanding technology and an ability to identify and interpret the impacts it causes. This unit is not designed to advocate for any particular point of view on the impact of technology. Still, it should empower students to adeptly see and weigh the consequences of the technology around them. While the Create PT may feel like the most significant project of this course, the Explore Curricular requirement and the questions faced in this unit are arguably more crucial. Many of the young people who take CS Principles may pursue studies or careers in which they are "creators" with technology, but all of them will need to be thoughtful "deciders" in a world profoundly shaped by computing.


Students complete the Future School Convention simulation throughout this unit. Working in teams of roughly five people, students are assigned a role and a set of interests they'll need to investigate. They research real-world innovations that could improve schools and align with the interests of their character. Throughout the unit, they are given opportunities to refine their proposals as a team and debate the benefits and risks of different computing innovations. Eventually, their team submits an overall proposal for the Future School, and all students vote for the team and innovation they believe to be the best. Students will also complete an end-of-unit assessment aligned with the CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.

  This unit and unit project helps build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • IOC-1: While computing innovations are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, they may have unintended consequences.
  • IOC-2: The use of computing innovations may involve risks to your personal safety and identity.

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects
  • 5.6 Safe Computing

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Unit 9 - Create PT Prep ('24-'25)

In this unit prepare for, and do the AP Create Performance Task. Each lesson contains links to helpful documents and activities to help you understand the task and develop a plan for completing it.

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Unit 10 - Algorithms ('24-'25)

This unit is a quick exploration of how computer scientists design algorithms to solve problems and how they analyze the speed of different algorithms. Learn about the concept of algorithmic efficiency through a variety of hands-on activities and learn how it's being applied in modern computing.

Just Enough Math

This unit includes some mathematical concepts which enrich students' understanding of how algorithms are analyzed, which might at first be a little intimidating to some students (and teachers!). The mathematical topics included in this unit are only those necessary to provide a solid foundation in algorithmic analysis to the depth described in the CS Principles framework. If you are a teacher with a strong mathematical background, check carefully that you do not needlessly add complexity to a unit that might already prove challenging for some students. All teachers should keep an eye out for the ways visuals, hands-on examples, and patterns in presentation style are used to ensure a consistent presentation of these mathematical topics.


This unit does not conclude with a major project. Students will complete an end-of-unit assessment that is aligned with CS Principles framework objectives covered in this unit.


This unit helps build towards the enduring understandings listed below. For a detailed mapping of units to Learning Objectives and EKs, please see the "Standards" page for this unit.

  • AAP-2: The way statements are sequenced and combined in a program determines the computed result. Programs incorporate iteration and selection constructs to represent repetition and make decisions to handle varied input values.
  • AAP-4: There exist problems that computers cannot solve, and even when a computer can solve a problem, it may not be able to do so in a reasonable amount of time.
  • CSN-2: Parallel and distributed computing leverage multiple computers to more quickly solve complex problems or process large data sets.

This unit includes content from the following topics from the AP CS Principles Framework. For more detailed information on topic coverage in the course review CSP Topic Coverage.

  • 3.9 Developing Algorithms
  • 3.11 Binary Search
  • 3.17 Algorithmic Efficiency
  • 3.18 Undecidable Problems
  • 4.3 Parallel and Distributed Computing

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Unit 11 - CS Principles Post-Course Survey

This unit contains the CS Principles Post-Course Survey.

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