Countries and Territories
Description: facts and figures for 216 countries and territories, we used the definition of country/territory provided by the World Bank
- For all the data: WorldBank
- Country flags: UN
- National anthems
Processing: downloaded .csv files for each indicator from the worldbank, merged .csv files into one, added flag images and national anthems to the .csv
- Name (string): name of each country/territory
- Three Letter Country Code (string): three letter code for each country/territory
- Two Letter Country Code (string): two letter code for each country/territory
- Region (string): geographic region for each country/territory
- Income Level (string): income level for each country/territory in 2018
- Population (numerical): total population for each country/territory in 2018
- Fertility Rate (numerical): average number of children each woman in a country/territory will have in 2017
- Unemployment (numerical): percent of the workforce that does not have a job in a country/territory, most recent data taken from each country/territory varies between 2010-2018
- GDP Per Capita (numerical): Total value of all the goods and services produced in a country/territory divide by the population, unit is US dollars, most recent data taken from each country/territory varies between 2016-2018, if no data was available then this indicator is marked as -1
- Percent Using the Internet (numerical): percent of the population of a country/territory that has used the internet within the last three months, most recent data taken from each country/territory varies between 2017-2018, if no data was available then this indicator is marked as -1
- Renewable Energy (numerical): percent of energy consumption for each country/territory that is renewable in 2014, if no data was available then this indicator is marked as -1
- CO2 Emission (numerical): CO2 emitted by each country/territory in kilotonnes (kt) in 2014, if no data was available then this indicator is marked as -1
- Flag: png image of each country/territory’s current flag
- National Anthem: mp3 file of each country/territory’s current national anthem
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