Games with variables as score

Try out one of these simple games! How does the scoring work? When you are ready to code your own scoreboard click Finish!

The spicy peppers indicate how difficult the game is to win.

🌶️: Mild and easy

🌶️🌶️: Medium with some spice

🌶️🌶️🌶️: Spicy! Difficult!

🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️: Extra hot! Can you handle it?

Choose from the following activities:

Difficulty: 🌶️

Game Mechanic: Collect

How to win: Use the arrows to get 6 arctic jewels.

Difficulty: 🌶️

Game Mechanic: Moving & Collecting

How to win: Use the arrows to catch 10 stars

Difficulty: 🌶️🌶️

Game Mechanics: Click & Collect

How to win: Click on 12 of the bouncing balls!

Difficulty: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Game Mechanic: Chase

How to win: Freeze all 5 opponents. When you tag an opponent they freeze. But they can unfreeze each other!