< Course F (2021)

Lesson 1: Introducing Sprite Lab

45 minutes


In this context-setting lesson, students will discuss the role of computers and technology in their lives, focusing on how apps and tools give users choices about how to use them. Students will also explore apps similar to those they’ll create themselves later on.


The first lesson is about getting students excited about the course and connecting their own personal interests to computer science.

CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
    • 1B-IC-18 - Discuss computing technologies that have changed the world and express how those technologies influence, and are influenced by, cultural practices.
    • 1B-IC-19 - Brainstorm ways to improve the accessibility and usability of technology products for the diverse needs and wants of users.



Students will be able to:
  • Describe the importance of the user in the design process.
  • Identify sprites in a running computer program.


  • Determine how students will login to Code.org.
  • If needed, create Code.org accounts for students.
  • Assign Introducing Sprite Lab to students.
  • Print copies of *Exploring Apps worksheet (or post the digital version to your LMS).


Heads Up! Please make a copy of any documents you plan to share with students.

For the teachers
For the students


  • Sprite - A graphic on the screen with a location, size, and appearance.
  • User - Someone who uses an object, including software and hardware.

Teaching Guide

Warm Up (10 minutes)



In this course we will be learning how to code. Code is used to create apps, games, web pages, simulations, and all kinds of things that we use on a computer.

Do This: Using the lesson slides or a whiteboard, show students a T-chart labeled “Favorite apps and games” on the left and “Why we like them” on the right. After modeling with one example, have students suggest their own additions to the list. As students explain why they like a particular app, restate their ideas and focus on choices, and times when the user gets to choose how they play or use it. Move on when students are seeing the connection that people prefer to be able to make choices.


When apps and games are made, they are designed with a user in mind. The user is you, or whoever will be using and playing with the app. Creators have ideas about how their apps should be used, but it is up to the user to make the choices! Today we are going to explore how (and why) app and game makers let us make choices.

Do This: Show the User Choices slide, found in the Resources section above.

Discuss: For each app or game you see, what choice do you think the app maker is giving the user?

Goal: Students should discuss the specific choices that the user gets to make, not just ideas about what their app is about. For example, Talk Box lets users choose an avatar or digital representation of themselves. This choice is a good thing because it helps the user feel like the app is really for them.

Teaching Tip

This lesson includes a slide deck with some fake apps to use for the purpose of discussion. You can supplement or replace these examples with others based on the interests of your students.


We can see that in all of these apps, the user gets to make choices about how they use it. These choices might motivate more people to want to use the app.

Reflect: What is your favorite game or app? What choices do you get to make while using it?

Main Activity (30 minutes)

Introducing Sprite Lab (5 minutes)

Do This: Play the *Introducing Sprite Lab video.


Soon we will be learning to write code and make our own Sprite Lab projects. We will begin by exploring what’s possible. Today you are the user! Your task is play and use the sample programs you’ll find on the Code.org website. For each one you try, you’ll describe the sprite costumes you see and any choices you get to make as the user.

Exploring Apps (15 minutes)

Explore at least 3 Sprite Lab programs on Code.org. For each program, you will list the sprites you see and describe the choices you made as the user.

Do this:

  • Provide each individual (or group) with a physical or digital copy of the *Exploring Apps worksheet.

  • Direct students to level 2 on Code Studio (Exploration: Sample Apps).

  • Consider modeling one app with the class before having students complete the task independently.

Teaching Tip

If this is your students’ first time using Code.org, dedicate some extra time to helping students understand how to navigate to the website and sign in to their accounts.

Share Out (5 minutes)

Discuss: What were the most interesting choices you were able to make with these apps? Was there ever a time you wished you could change something in the app but were not given the choice?

Goal: Students should be able to name specific choices they made, but should also discuss why they think the creator gave us that choice. Choices to highlight include the words you type in (e.g. Chat Bot), the type of sprites that are used (e.g. Collector Game), or the way you interact with something.

Propose an Improvement (5 minutes)

Prompt: Think about an app you have used, and come up with a way to make it better by giving the user more choices.

As time allows, have students consider the prompt above through one or more of the following methods:

  • Have volunteers offer ideas in a whole-group discussion.
  • Engage in a small discussion with pairs or small groups.
  • Have students create a sketch or poster with their ideas.

Wrap Up (5 minutes)



Today we learned about some of the ways app creators give us choices as the user. We also learned about Sprites. Sprites are graphics on the screen with different properties, like size, rotation, and location. Sprites also have a costume that determines how they appear.

Prompts: (Choose one)

  • What’s an example of a choice you’d like to be able to make in the games or apps you use?
  • What kind of app or game would you like to create?
Teaching Tip

Reflection prompts like these can be completed in a variety of styles. Journaling or discussion (with groups or partners) are great options!

Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

This work is available under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

If you are interested in licensing Code.org materials for commercial purposes contact us.