< Course F (2021)

Lesson 9: Drawing with Loops

55 minutes


This skill-building lesson shifts the focus from Sprite Lab to the Artist, a new tool that students will explore throughout the remainder of the course.


Students will practice using loops, a concept that will be revisited throughout upcoming lessons.

CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
    • 1B-AP-11 - Decompose (break down) problems into smaller, manageable subproblems to facilitate the program development process.



Students will be able to:
  • Differentiate between commands that need to be repeated in loops and commands that should be used on their own.
  • Identify the benefits of using a loop structure instead of manual repetition.


  • Play through the puzzles to find any potential problem areas for your class.
  • Make sure every student has a reflection journal.


  • Loop - The action of doing something over and over again.
  • Repeat - To do something again.

Teaching Guide

Warm Up (10 minutes)


Students may have different levels of experience with both the Artist tool and the concept of loops. Based on what you think your class could benefit from, we recommend finding a puzzle or two to preview with the class. Whether this lesson is an introduction or a review, it's important to prepare students for what is coming next!

Main Activity (30 minutes)

Drawing with Loops

Some students may discover where to add repeat loops by writing out the program without loops then circling sections of repetitions. If the students in your class seem like they could benefit from this, have them keep paper and pencils beside them at their machines. Students might also enjoy drawing some of the shapes and figures on paper before they program it online.

Wrap Up (15 minutes)



  • What was the coolest shape or figure you programmed today? Draw it out!
  • What is another shape or figure you would like to program? Can you come up with the code to create it?
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