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Immersive Reader

It's time for a dance-off! The Cat dabs when you press the left arrow key. Make the Robot "drop" once when you press the right arrow key, and "clap" once when you press the up arrow key.

Use the keys to get the Robot to do the drop-clap-drop-clap as fast as you can!

make a new robot called right_dancer at rightmake a new cat called left_dancer at leftset background effectWarm Kaleidoscopesetupleft_dancer do Dab  oncewhen left pressedwhen right pressedwhen up pressedset background effectCool Snowmake a new duck called new_dancer at topnew_dancer do Floss  forevernew_dancer do Clap High  onceset new_dancer size to 50 randomize new_dancer sizeset new_dancer tint to new_dancer begins size following basswhen up pressedafter 4 measuresrepeat every 2 measures