Rotate your device.
Turn off orientation lock in device settings.

Immersive Reader

Now we know how to change a dancer's properties. We can also make the same properties automatically respond to the music using this block:

right_unicorn begins size following bass
right_unicorn "scale" "bass"

This program uses the music's "bass" volume (the low sounds) to control one dancer's height. Can you make the other dancer respond to the music too?

left_shark begins height following bassmake a new unicorn called right_unicorn at rightmake a new shark called left_shark at leftset background effectIce Cream Diamondssetupright_unicorn do (Next)  foreverleft_shark do (Next)  foreverrepeat every 2 measures set background effectIce Cream Sparklesmake a new duck called new_dancer at topright_unicorn do Clap High  foreverright_unicorn do Gangnam  onceset right_unicorn size to 50 set right_unicorn tint to right_unicorn begins size following bassafter 4 measuresrepeat every 2 measures