App Lab is a programming environment where you can make simple apps. Design an app, code with blocks or JavaScript to make it work, then share your app in seconds.
UI controls
- circle(x, y, radius)
- clearCanvas()
- createCanvas(id, width, height)
- drawImage(id, x, y, width, height)
- drawImageURL(url)
- getAlpha(imageData, x, y)
- getBlue(imageData, x, y)
- getGreen(imageData, x, y)
- getImageData(x, y, width, height)
- getRed(imageData, x, y)
- line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- putImageData(imageData, x, y)
- rect(x, y, width, height)
- setActiveCanvas
- setAlpha(imageData, x, y, alphaValue)
- setBlue(imageData, x, y, blueValue)
- setFillColor(color)
- setGreen(imageData, x, y, greenValue)
- setRGB(imageData, x, y, red, green, blue, *alpha*)
- setRed
- setStrokeColor(color)
- setStrokeWidth(width)
- Add Operator
- And Operator
- Divide operator
- Equality operator
- Greater than operator
- Greater than or equal operator
- Inequality operator
- Less than operator
- Less than or equal operator
- Math.abs(x)
- Math.max(n1, n2, ..., nX)
- Math.min(n1, n2, ..., nX)
- Math.pow
- Math.random
- Math.round(x)
- Math.sqrt
- Modulo operator
- Multiply operator
- Not operator
- Or operator
- Subtract operator
- randomNumber(min, max)
- randomNumber(min, max)
- Access List Item
- Assign x
- Declare a variable
- Declare an object
- Declare and assign a string to a variable
- Declare and assign a value to a variable
- Declare and assign an array ["a", "b", "d"] to a variable
- Declare and assign an array [1,2,3] to a variable
- Declare and assign an array to a variable
- Prompt the user for a numerical value and store it
- Prompt the user for a value and store it
- [list].join
- [list].length
- [string].includes(searchValue)
- [string].indexOf(searchValue)
- [string].substring(start, end)
- [string].toLowerCase()
- [string].toUpperCase()
- addPair
- appendItem(list, item)
- console.log(message)
- getValue
- insertItem(list, index, item)
- length
- removeItem(list, index)
- accelerometer
- accelerometer.getAcceleration
- accelerometer.getOrientation
- button(L/R)
- buttonL.holdtime
- buttonL.isPressed
- buzzer
- buzzer.frequency()
- buzzer.note()
- buzzer.playNotes
- buzzer.playSong
- buzzer.stop()
- colorLeds
- colorLeds[i].blink()
- colorLeds[i].color()
- colorLeds[i].intensity()
- colorLeds[i].off()
- colorLeds[i].on()
- colorLeds[i].pulse()
- colorLeds[i].stop()
- colorLeds[i].toggle()
- led
- led.blink()
- led.on()
- led.pulse()
- led.toggle()
- lightSensor
- lightSensor.setScale
- lightSensor.start
- lightSensor.threshold
- lightSensor.value
- onBoardEvent()
- soundSensor
- soundSensor.setScale
- soundSensor.threshold
- soundSensor.value
- tempSensor
- tempSensor.C
- tempSensor.F
- toggleSwitch
- toggleSwitch.isOpen